One of our 13 KIA Families Needs Your Help - Donate Today

UPDATE 9/12/2021: We have reached our goal! Thank you for your generosity. Donations received above and beyond the family's needs will be used for other gold star families and outreach to our wounded heroes. Because of your generosity, we are currently helping a Kabul-injured purple heart Marine in Bethesda. Thank you for your generosity and ongoing support!

This family's Marine was one of the 13 who lost their lives at Kabul Airport in late August 2021. They have unusual additional expenses, they have reached out to us, and we're going to cover their costs. We need your help. We need to raise $15,000 to cover expenses.

Would you please help us help this family? They have honorably served our country, and it's our turn to serve them.

Per the family's request, we will keep the family name, their Marine's name, and their location anonymous. The founder has fully vetted this Marine Corps family; their story is 100% accurate, and a genuine need exists. Please make your donation today to help this stellar Marine family.

SUCCESS! As of 8:30 AM CST 09/12/2021, we have raised $15,000 of our $15,000 goal.

100% Complete

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This is the secured donation interface with NO 3rd-party fees. 100% of your donation goes to this Marine family.

OR Donate with PayPal:

Check or Money Order:, Inc.
c/o Gold Star Family
3208 LeMone Industrial Blvd, Ste. B
Columbia, MO 65201

Help Promote Donations for this Marine Family!

  1. Please encourage others to donate! Copy and paste the following URL to send to your friends and family:
  2. If you are on Facebook, please use our Facebook Share button or paste the URL above.
  3. Help by changing your profile image on social media. Right-click the image below to use for your social network profile image to help with donations to

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